<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1318769218684829&amp;ev=PageView&amp;noscript=1">

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A/B Testing

/ A/B Testing

EmailsAndSurveys has full support for A/B testing.  A/B testing is a great way for you to learn how to build effective HTML campaigns, A/B testing allows you to send two different campaigns to a small population and the a "Winner" will be declared and the rest of the campaign will use the Winning style.

EmailsAndSurveys support different From Names, Subject Lines, Templates and Sending Times.  You can you can define your success criteria based on Open or Click rate.  You can also have our system pick the winner by a success criteria.

Step 1

To send your campaign, click the ADD BUTTON.



Step 2

Select whether you want a regular or A/B Campaign


 Step 3

Pick a Group



Step 4

Select the type of A/B testing, Email Subject, Email Content, From Name, Template or any combination.

Use the Split Group Slider to determine you test population and final population.  In this case, it will try just 1 template, you will want to make this 10 or 20% of your total campaign size to allow for 3 tries to identify a winner.  If there is no winner after 3 tries, you have to go to the reporting section and manually pick a winner.



Step 5

In this case, pick your first template.



Step 6

Select the Email Address to send from.


Step 7

EmailsAndSurveys will conduct a SPAM analysis of both



Step 8

Spam Flag Probability Checking


Picking a Winner

While the campaign is in the evaluation stage, you will see the word "Evaluating" in the report section of the Email Campaign


 EmailsAndSurveys will automatically pick a winner based on your success criteria of open and click rates.



If there was no winner, you can manually set which template should continue by Clicking the Blue Button.

Step 9

You are all set to send!