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Drive Engagement with SMS Marketing

/ Drive Engagement with SMS Marketing

Ready to meet your audience where they are? Then it’s time to implement an SMS marketing strategy that works. We check our phones upwards of 80 times per day. That bodes well for text message open rates which average about 90%. That’s over three times the open rate of email. Which means the likelihood of getting your message in front of your audience is higher with SMS messaging than with any other marketing channel.

Let’s talk about specific benefits of SMS marketing strategies and how EmailsAndSurveys can help you execute your text message marketing in an efficient and cost-effective manner.


Drive Engagement with SMS Marketing in emailsandsurveys


It’s Personal

Text messaging is a unique opportunity to be informal and conversational. In fact, the channel demands it. With limited space, there’s no room for overthinking and formalities. The best SMS campaigns are short and sweet. 

For ease of use, EmailsAndSurveys offers a fun preview that allows you to view your message as your customer will—in a small bubble on a phone screen. 

Immediate and Timely Delivery

Most marketing channels require time to execute at a high level. With social media you need to find images and copy. Paid online marketing requires sometimes complicated media buys.  SMS Marketing allows you to create and send a campaign within minutes. 

EmailsAndSurveys offers a unique pay as you go model that makes execution even easier. You never have to have a huge budget set aside or make any upfront financial commitments. When you need to send an SMS campaign, EmailsAndSurveys is ready. 


Drive Engagement with SMS Marketing in emailsandsurveys


Completely Trackable and Measurable

One benefit to SMS marketing is that with the right tool, it is a completely trackable and measurable marketing tactic. 

With EmailsAndSurveys, you can manage your campaign from send to reporting and more. In our dashboards, you can see who opened your message, what links they clicked and even reply directly to individual customers. 


Drive Engagement with SMS Marketing in emailsandsurveys

Interactive Conversations 

Since customers can reply immediately via their native text messaging app, SMS messaging makes it even easier to get feedback from your customers in real time. 

We enhance this benefit further by offering an SMS polling tool that allows you to format your SMS messages as surveys, polls and even fun quizzes. 

With EmailsAndSurveys, each SMS campaign is a new opportunity to build affinity and engage your customers while growing your business. Are you ready to execute a simple and effective SMS campaign? Sign up for a live demo to see EmailsAndSurveys in action today!