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10DLC Registration

/ 10DLC Registration

10 DLC Registration

SPAM prevention for SMS is now here.  10DLC Registration is registering a digit phone number for ATP SMS sending.  ATP is Application to Person.  It is technically optional, but highly recommended.  The carriers are changing the requirements frequently so you need to be familiar with the protocols and accommodating as the rules change quickly and without much notice.

10 DLC registration involves declaring your business or nonprofit and registering you with all the telecom carriers with your specific use case.  If you have less than 3k contacts you are considered a low-volume user and generally can operate without a problem, but your SMS can be blocked or sent at a slower rate.  Once you have 10 DLC registrations you will be more trusted, build your trust score, and will be whitelisted and can send at a faster rate.  We do not recommend you assume you are white-listed.  Any SMS can be blocked at any time. We had a customer who was a Church and on Wednesday sent an SMS that said "Welcome to Hump Day" and it was stopped.  

If you are not doing SMS marketing and providing a public service you really have nothing to worry about and your SMS will go out worry-free.  If you are going to do SMS marketing regardless of the volume you should register your phone number.  

There is a one-time charge of 15.00 to register your brand and a variable charge of 6 to 10 dollars which depends on your use case and the size of your audience. Generally speaking, SMS marketing is the more expensive use case and a big audience is considered over 3k contacts.  We will provide more precise quoting information as soon as it is available.  The rules change frequently, so please be patient with us.

Listed below is the information needed to register for 10DLC.  Please see the attached article on "How to Register for 10DLC".

EmailsAndSurveys User ID

First Name

Last Name

Email Address

Phone Number

Business Legal Name


What Type of Company Are You

What Industry are you in



Your Country




Use Case

3 sample messages