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How To Register for 10DLC with EmailsAndSurveys

/ How To Register for 10DLC with EmailsAndSurveys

To register for 10DLC, simply log in to EmailsAndSurveys and click the upper right-hand corner, and go to Edit Profile.  Note your Account Number.

Then click the SMS icon on the bottom left side of the page and go to the 10DLC tab.

Switch the toggle to Yes and a form will launch and we will collect all the information needed for your submission.  Please monitor your email for the next 24 hours and we will contact you if we need any more information and be notified of the status of your submission


Listed below are the fields that are needed for your certification.

EmailsAndSurveys User ID

First Name

Last Name

Email Address

Phone Number

Business Legal Name


What Type of Company Are You

What Industry are you in



Your Country




Use Case

3 sample messages